Monday, September 2, 2013

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

"Don't worry... about a thing.  Every little thing... is gonna be alright!"  ~Bob Marley

I have been told that I am a happy person.  And it's true.  I thrive on happiness.  Even when I'm doing something that is not so fun.  Even when I'm struggling.  Even when I'm feeling sick.  There is always something to be happy about.  Oh, don't get me wrong... I do have my occasional mood swings when I get overwhelmed by the pressures of life... but in the end my happiness bubbles up and lifts me back to the clouds.

How do I do it?

I focus on what I DO have, and not what I DON'T.  There is always someone less fortunate than myself.  And we have to count our blessings for every gift.

Feeling old?  Hang out with people older than yourself.  If I spend too much time around those younger than me, I get called old constantly... and eventually I start to believe it.  Then I will hang out with people who are 10-20 years more experienced than I... and they tell me how young I am.  I still recall my 80 year old grandparents talking about "the boy next door who mows their lawn."  This "boy" was 65 years old!!

Feeling poor?  Take a drive through the ghetto, or take a ride on the city bus.  It's hard not to feel empathy for the people who are REALLY struggling... whether it be from their bad luck or their lack of mental and social skills.  I am lucky to have a strong upbringing and a good head on my shoulders.  And I'm lucky to have a job that pays more than minimum wage.

Feeling lonely?  Visit a senior center.  Or talk to a bum.  I may not have that many friends, but that's mostly because I pick and choose.  The friends I have are solid.  They're understanding.  And they are there for me when I need them the most.  And we often forget about the friends from afar that we have lost touch with... reaching out can reignite that friendship, and with it the comradery that we need.

Hate your job?  Don't we all?  If you liked it, then it would be called a hobby.  And as much as we would liek to get paid for our hobbies, once you do a hobby for money it becomes a job.  I have worked a lot of jobs, and no matter what I do... it will never be as bad as what I HAVE done.  Is there anything worse than getting paid $3.25 an hour to shovel manure out of massive barns in the middle of the summer?  Strange how the worse your job is, the LESS money you get paid.  And every job is an adventure.  How many people can SAY that they shovelled manure at the county fairgrounds all day?

I guess that, when I get angry for being slighted, or I get sad sad for my losses... I begin to think about WHY I am upset... and then I look for the positives.  There are benefits and detriments to every position in life... and things in between.  Life itself is a magical journey.  And I am fascinated by everything.

If you're old, then you are experienced and had many adventures.  If you're young, you have a lifetime ahead of you to explore yourself and your surroundings.  When you're poor, you learn what is truly valuable... like friendship, creativity, exploration and enjoying life.  Being alone gives you time to explore yourself without external distractions.  And having an annoying job makes you appreciate your free time.

I am happy.  I am lucky.  And it makes me happy to write this blog and share with you.  Maybe I know you... maybe I don't.  And maybe I don't have any readers at all... but I am happy to put these words down.  And happy to share my happiness with you all.

And maybe it's all because this song has played in my head non-stop since I was little.  My anthem and my mantra.

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