Thursday, April 10, 2014

Confessions of a former Electronics Salesman

I got a new job!   I'm finally back in the tech industry again and working for a great company!   And so I recently quit my old job working as an electronics salesman.   Once again,  I'd like to share what I learned in my 6 months working at that job.

  • Electronic salesmen are paid on commission and bonuses.   This means they will try to sell things that pay well,  and will hide cheap items that don't give kickbacks.   If you want a small tv, you will get poor service. 
  • Retail stores are more expensive than online stores.  Don't go to a retail store unless you need the product NOW
  • Retail stores websites often sell products for cheaper than the actual store, even if you pick up the product at the store.   Probably because they don't have to pay commissions. 
  • Most retail stores price match against local competitors.   
  • Retail stores have really good return policies.   Product could be open,  used,  damaged or you just don't like it and as long as you are within the return time frame (usually 30-60 days) they will refund your money
  • Prices change weekly. And if a product you bought goes on sale shortly after you bought it,  they will often refund the difference.
  • Electronics salesmen are experts.  Got a question or want to know about the latest electronics,  ask!
  • Protection agreements are better than extended warrantees, but are rarely needed.  Salesmen will pressure you hard and try to scare you into buying them because they pay good commissions and count towards metrics.  (I didn't like selling them,  and was "coached" about it almost weekly.)
  • Read the fine print on protection agreements!  A lot of salesmen will lie to get you to buy.   
  • Newer is not always better.
  • If you get good service,  take the survey or call the store.   The managers put a lot of focus on customer feedback.
  • A lot of stores are extending Black Friday sakes so you don't have to wait in line at 4 am to get the good deals
  • Retail stores are not safer than shopping online, because they don't focus on security like websites do.  Remember the Target credit card scandal of 2013?   It could happen to any retailer. 

In my opinion,  retail electronics stores will not exist much longer.   Why?  The Internet has better selection,  better prices and don't require awkward interactions with salesmen.   Retail electronics stores will become vending machines, show rooms for online orders or warehouses with pickup windows. 

Summary?  Shop online unless it is an emergency.